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From run down to revitalized

There's a lot in life that can make us feel run down. Burned out. Drained. We get caught up in the day-to-day, overcome by our responsibilities, and comfortable with routine. We break promises to ourselves and forget what we once set out to do. Until we wake up one day and realize we're living a life so far from what we envisioned that we no longer recognize who we've become.




I've been there too.


After two kids and years of working in a job that wore me down day after day, I hit a point where I felt lost, disillusioned, and miserable. I knew something needed to change but I wasn't sure what or how to do it. Plus, I felt guilty for wanting something more for my life when I already had so much. Two beautiful little girls. A job that paid the bills. A home. A family. What in the world could be missing?


I'll tell you what was missing: MY HEART.


I stopped listening to it. 

Your heart is your biggest muscle,

listen to it.

Jen Sincero

Chances are if you're feeling lost, restless, confused ...


If every day feels like a dreaded Sunday evening ...


If waking up gets harder and harder because you just don't look forward to your day anymore ...




You've gotten stuck in the hum-drum of everyday life.


Which, by the way, is exactly where your brain wants you to be.


It's comfortable there! It's safe!


But that's not what you're looking for, is it? You want something more. A life that excites you, that fills you with passion and energy.

Your heart is desperate for you to pay attention. To uncover the dreams waiting for you. To trust your desires. To live your purpose.


Kristine listened to my dreams and was completely honest with me. She said, "Wow, this is big but I believe that you can do it". She supported me and acknowledged the difficulty while being completely unfazed in joining me on the roller-coaster. Her fearlessness inspired me to jump because she was there with me every step of the way. I can share every win, loss and stumble with her without feeling any pressure, expectation, or judgment-- it's just pure support and accountability. 

Khaki, Dreamer of Big Dreams

One-on-One Coaching

is for you if you...

  • Want to get clear on what a revived life looks like for you

  • Are ready to take action towards your dreams


  • Need to learn new tools and strategies for staying motivated and on track


  • Are tired of getting in your own way and letting fear control your decisions

  • Need the support, encouragement, and accountability to keep you moving forward

  • Know this is your time to create the life you were meant to live


What you can expect

  • Weekly sessions via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime

  •  Unlimited communication via Voxer


  • Mid-week check-ins to encourage you and keep you accountable to your weekly commitments



  • Early access to all new coaching programs, workshops, and retreats


  • Journaling prompts, worksheets, and assignments as needed


  • Increased confidence, clarity, and courage


Starter Pack

Try out coaching for 6-weeks before committing to the full package



This amazing woman has been helping me navigate the world of being a mom, wife, and business owner, and it’s the best money I’ve spent! In a world of never-ending to-do lists and “do all the things,” it’s pretty powerful to have someone to set goals with, cheer you on, and remind you of what you *have* achieved.

Lauren, Confident CEO & Fully Present Mom

As your coach...

With a background in therapy, I am able to create and sustain a container of change for you as my client - an environment where you feel supported, cared for, and empowered.

I have an intuitive sense of what's getting in the way, triggering you, and holding you back.

I provide a safe, loving, and nonjudgmental space for you to explore past wounds and traumas that unless you heal will prevent you from moving forward.

I am skilled at planning and goal-setting and I'm really good at breaking it down, getting organized, and prioritizing tasks.

There's no one better to lovingly guide you. With me, you will always know how loved, worthy, talented, capable, and uniquely gifted you are.

I believe in lasting transformation, not just temporary change, and will teach you skills that you'll carry with you your entire life.


I tailor all of my interventions to YOU - what you need, most resonate with, your specific learning style, etc. It's never a one size fits all approach.

How to get started

You'll start with a three-month package (see FAQs below for more background on why I do this)

then have the option to move to month-by-month after that

You can choose to pay in full or monthly

To get started, we'll schedule a free consultation call to discuss what

you're hoping to gain from coaching, the details of the coaching package,

and how I can help you revive your life and achieve your goals

Complete the application at the link below and I'll be in touch with you ASAP!

Personal coaching is an investment in yourself that you won’t regret making - especially when working with someone as organized, intelligent, and considerate as Kristine! She has a very diverse skill set as a business owner, licensed therapist, and certified coach. I can’t recommend her enough - she totally helped me get my shit together!

Alaina, Pursuer of Her Passions

Take a moment

Imagine you no longer feel burdened by your own critical, fearful mind.


Imagine you’re free from the weight of anyone else’s opinions, pain, or abuse.


You trust and believe in your own inherent goodness and worthiness.


You give yourself permission to fulfill all that resides within you.


You’ve become the absolute best version of yourself.


You wake up happy and filled with awe at the life you’ve created for yourself.


Would she tell you to take the leap? To trust yourself? To believe that you're worthy of all that you desire?

Would she encourage you to invest in your growth, your transformation, your dreams?

'Revive Your Life' is a perfect description of what this coaching journey has been for me. It was as if a part of me had died and then someone came along and gave me CPR, and now I’m taking that first breath of life again and I've revived a part of me I thought was gone forever.

Noelle, Revived Powerhouse & Badass

You might be wondering...

Why do you start at three months?

In my experience as a coach, it often takes three months to uncover what's been getting in the way, set new habits, and begin to change negative patterns. Think about how long you've been struggling with your current thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. It's going to take time to address and change them. Additionally, I believe in the importance of committing to your own change and creating a space for your healing work every week. My goal is not simply to help you achieve your goals, it's to help you transform your life. 

What other benefits are there to a three-month package?

When you choose to work with me for three months, you're making a commitment to yourself first and foremost. By investing in a coaching package, you're committing to a fuller transformation and more significant steps taken towards your dreams. You're also locking in your price in the event I raise my rates and securing your spot as a client.

Why would I pay in full?

If you choose to pay in full, you'll receive a discount over the monthly payment option. But more than that, you're setting up safeguards to protect yourself against breaking your commitment and giving up on yourself. This work can get tough at times and you'll be tempted to go back to what's safe and comfortable. But let this sink in: The ONLY way you won't get what you want is if you GIVE UP ON YOURSELF. It's time to proclaim boldly that you're NOT giving up on your dreams no matter what.

Couldn't I just have a friend keep me accountable?


Getting support from those around you is a wonderful idea. Research has shown that sharing your goals with someone and checking in with them makes you almost twice as effective. Yet, research has also shown that the highest achievers are the ones who seek out teachers and coaches to help them. As a Certified Coach and Licensed Therapist, I have years of experience, education, and training that help me get you where you want to go even faster.

Do you only take a limited number of clients?

Yes, I limit the number of one-on-one clients I'm working with so I can devote the right amount of time and attention to each person. Since you'll have the ability to communicate with me whenever you need a reminder, have a question, or just simply need a boost of confidence, I make sure I'm not overloading my schedule. There are limited spots available so if you're wavering, take some time and ask yourself what it is you really want. Then ask what you need to do to get there. If working with me is the answer, don't wait to take that next step.

I was hesitant to sign up for coaching because I didn’t know if I could financially afford the monthly fee. But I decided to put myself first. Now I understand that my well-being is my first priority. Working with Kristine has helped me understand that I can love myself.

Emily, Self-Love Crusader


Revive Your Life

Two additional details:


I utilize an application to make sure I'm the best fit for you as your coach


I only take a limited number of 1:1 clients but applications are always accepted

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