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Hi, I'm Kristine

At the start of 2018, I came to a tipping point. Something wasn't right. I was burned out, frazzled, depleted, and deeply unhappy. On the outside, everything looked perfect. I had a successful career, two healthy children, a supportive husband, and a beautiful home. But something was missing. I felt disoriented, restless, and stuck. Something had to change but I didn't know what or how to change it. I had lost sight of who I was and what I wanted for my life.



I didn't lose myself because I became a mom or because I worked in a corporate job for too long. I lost myself because I stopped listening to my heart. Everything I did was filtered through the left side of my brain. Every decision I made was based on what I thought I should be doing.




I stopped believing I held all the answers I needed.


When I started tuning into my heart again, I found peace and freedom, a renewed energy and excitement, and joy in every area of my life.




That's what I want for you, too.

I want you to start living the life you were meant to live. Full of joy, meaning, and purpose. A life you're excited to wake up to. 


But you can only do that if you start listening to your heart.


I know, I know. You're starting to hear that famous 80s love ballad playing in the background. I promise not to spout cheesy romance songs to you but Roxette is on to something. When you tune into your heart, you find the wisdom, direction, and guidance you need to take action and move forward.


That's why I'm here. That's why I do what I do.


I help you get out of your head and into your heart so you can REVIVE YOUR LIFE and take action on your dreams.


I Believe That...

Anything worth doing in life requires you to push past your fear and take a risk


Our desires give us LIFE and enjoying this life is spiritual gratitude


Worthiness is your birthright


Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin

You never run out of chances to pursue your dreams

You have the power to change your life

My Background

I'm a licensed therapist and Certified Life Coach and I've been working in mental health for over 15 years. I earned my Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Northwestern University, one of the top training programs in the country, and I've been teaching, training, and supervising for over a decade. 


I love writing, planning, reading, and learning.


I have two little girls, Ava and Emmie, who inspire me to take risks, follow my heart, and lead with powerful conviction in my innate worth and value.


I'm a born and raised California girl who will always feel at home by the sea. I grew up in the Bay Area, went to college in Santa Barbara, and spent time in Pasadena before packing up my Corolla and driving across the country to attend graduate school in Chicago. I've been in the Midwest for just over 10 years and, while I love it here, I dream of one day returning to the West.



I'm an Enneagram 1 & INFJ

More About Me


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Revive Your Heart, Revive Your Life


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