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Personally, writing has always been my go-to coping strategy. It's how I've made sense of my inner world (and outer world, too), processed my emotions, and gained direction for my future. So it makes sense that I'd use it with my clients. However, research supports writing as an effective tool for healing, too.


Studies have shown that "writing can not only help us process what we’ve been through and assist us as we envision a path forward; it can lower our blood pressure, strengthen our immune systems, and increase our general well-being. Expressive writing can result in a reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression; improve our sleep and performance; and bring us greater focus and clarity." (Quote taken from Writing Can Help us Heal from Trauma by Deborah Siegel-Acevado in the Harvard Business Review).


This can be done in a number of ways. Whether through journaling exercises with prompts (which I often suggest to clients or give them for homework), free writing exercises (done either during or outside of session), or more creative interventions (such as writing with your non-dominant hand). Writing can be used to process uncomfortable or distressing memories, work through mental and/or emotional blocks, and access deeper thoughts and emotions that aren't available through spoken language.

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